The PRM20604 Certificate II in Asset Maintenance Carpet Cleaning is a highly sought after qualification by:
- People wishing to enter into the carpet cleaning industry
- Business owners wishing to rise above their competitors
- And by carpet cleaning business’s looking for entry level qualified staff
Typically people who enroll into the PRM20604 Certificate II in Asset Maintenance Carpet Cleaning do so to acquire new skills and knowledge to allow them to enter into the carpet cleaning industry, or alternatively people who are already working enroll in this course so they can acquire new skills and knowledge that will allow them to secure their place in the market & improve upon their future client prospects.
The course is nationally recognised and can only be delivered by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that complies with the governing standards of quality control and quality training and assessment. These standards are known as the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF). Each RTO is audited against these standards on a regular basis.
The qualification requires the participant to be deemed competent in 12 units of competency that are selected from the Business Services training package. ACCI can assist in selection of these units of competency to suit you and your career goals.
To achieve recognition at Certificate II level, the candidate for recognition must demonstrate competency in all 6 core units plus 2 elective units (total of 8 units).
Please note that we will consider your evidence of ACCI & / OR IICRC qualifications in recognition of prior learning toward this certificate.
Core units
PRMCC06A Identify carpet fibre and construction
PRMCC07A Perform basic stain removal
PRMCMN201A Participate in workplace safety arrangements
PRMCMN202A Provide effective client service
PRMCL33B Plan for safe and efficient cleaning activities
PRMCL35B Maintain a cleaning storage area
Elective units
PRMCC01A Use hot water extraction
PRMCC02A Use bonnet cleaning
PRMCC04A Use dry absorbent compound
The qualification process also recognises your existing skills and knowledge.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process where the participants existing skills and knowledge are matched against the requirements of the qualification. If the participant is assessed as already having achieved competency the course is reduced in duration.
The cost of assessing RPL application is $120 per hour. The time required to assess a RPL application is dependant upon the clarity of the information provided. ACCI has an easy and clear RPL Information Kit that will provide guidance on making a RPL application.
The course has a nominal duration of 45hrs.
Should a participant not complete a course, for what ever reason, the participant will be entitled to a “Statement of Attainment” which will record those units the participant successfully completed.
Career Options
At the completion of the course the successful participant can exit the program and seek employment in a carpet cleaning role or alternatively can seek further education by completing the extra units required for a certificate III or for more general cleaning skills cert IV
Potential career roles, include carpet cleaner, upholstery cleaner, general cleaner.
Student Manual
All prospective students should review our Student Manual. This manual contains additional information relating to the delivery of our programmes, our policy and a procedures of studying through ACCI.
Schedule of Fees
CourseĀ feesĀ include tuition, enrollment, manuals, handouts and certificates.
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